postpartum mother with babe on tummy with stretch marks

“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers - strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their strength.”

- Barbara Katz Rothman, Professor of Sociology and author

Book your 30 minute free call with me to build your essential postpartum plan and move with confidence in your journey through motherhood.

Are you currently:

·        Planning and creating your dream birth plan but haven’t given much thought to your postpartum?

·        In your postpartum and feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and second guessing every decision as a parent?

 You are looking to:

·        Experience the joyful, peaceful, love filled newborn bubble you imagined.

·        Have clarity on what it is you need for yourself and for your baby.

 This call is will support. you to:

·        Build a support network. around you.

·        Take better care of yourself and your family.

·        Prioritise your relationship with your partner.

·        Nourish your body to aid your recovery.

Leaving this call you will:

·        Feel confident and capable as a new parent.

·        Have a clear understanding of what you are experiencing during the postpartum period.

·        Know what is needed to do to achieve a blissful, easeful postpartum experience.

My support

As your postpartum doula I will wholeheartedly support you through your postpartum period. I provide guidance, absolutely no judgment, pressure or expectations on you as you find your way through motherhood. I want you to not only have a positive postpartum experience, I want you to thrive, to experience a postpartum that you love, one you are filled with true and complete joy, happiness, fulfilment and leaves you feeling cherished, honoured and care for, rather than tired, overwhelmed, exhausted and depleted.

The support I offer is tailored specifically to you.

I'll bring considered, thoughtful and nourishing food for you so you won’t have to think about it.

I'll offer newborn guidance and support on all the big and little questions and concerns, a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on and a helping hand.

We'll talk, I'll always have a safe space for you to open up and process anything that comes up for you.

I'll help you take care of your life admin, by doing some light errands, maybe I’ll get the dirty laundry in the washing machine, fold it for you. Wash the dishes or empty the dishwasher so you don't feel overwhelmed with the pressure to be "productive".

The fourth trimester can be intense, overwhelming, isolating, monotonous. I'm here for you physically and emotionally, here for you in a way that feeds your spirit and soul. You will have the chance to adjust to motherhood, learn who your new self is. Let's create your dream postpartum together, for you, your baby and family. You truly deserve it.

Divine Support


  • 8 weeks of support, including 1 visit a week.

  • Chat via Whatsapp from the start of our contract

  • Detailed postpartum planning session included prior to in person support

  • Personalised research and resources suited to your needs

  • A welcome pack, tailored to you

  • Tools and strategies to help manage your mental load, and your new rhythm and routines

  • Practical errands like picking up essential groceries and light housework and duties

  • Honouring you and providing time and space for a favourite rituals and restorative practices. We'll ensure you have the time to do this. We can also spend time working out what it is you really love doing if you haven't figured it out yet

  • Breastfeeding and bottle feeding support

  • Support with meal planning, preparation and some cooking, access to a recipe collection and selection of postpartum recipe books to loan to you that can aid and support your recovery

  • Newborn care, support and education and sibling care

  • Supportive belly binding

  • Bringing you a coffee/fresh juice/favourite drink to our weekly sessions

  • Knowledge, guidance, mentoring and coaching to best serve you through your matrescence journey

Virtual Packages:


  • A weekly zoom call that runs for about an hour for 8 weeks.

  • Daily chat and check-ins via WhatsApp

  • A focus session for pregnancy, birth and postpartum planning, usually done prior to the birth of your bub at any stage of your pregnancy. This session is about 1.5 hours.

  • Personalised research and resources suited to your needs; and

  • A welcome pack tailored to you delivered.

  • Your virtual support also includes but is not limited to:

  • Pregnancy support;

  • Mental load support, decluttering and organisation guidance;

  • Helping you work on setting up, honouring and practicing a favourite ritual specifically for you. We can also spend time learning what it is you really love doing if you haven't figured it out yet

  • Breastfeeding and bottle feeding choices education and support;

  • Access to nourishing recipe collection that is pregnancy and postpartum specific and will support your recovery; and

  • Newborn care, support guidance and education.

This package is designed for the woman who recognises that she's going through a transformation and deserves to be nurtured and supported during pregnancy and motherhood, emotionally and mentally. She wants connection and the chance to share and feel seen and heard and therefore well supported. She know that if she is set up emotionally and spiritually well she will thrive

You want to prepare yourself and your family for this transformative time, so that you can feel confident and capable. You want to take away the overwhelm and anxiety that starts to bubble up with all that unknowns and contradicting information out there. You will get to be completely present and able to experience the pure joy of this beautiful life event, that is welcoming a child into this world.

Payment plans are available on all Postpartum Plans booked with me.

A deposit is required to confirm your booking and a monthly payment can be set up from the time of booking until our last session together.

Kind - A Gift Card - Price On Application

  • Contribute towards something truly special for your friend, sister, daughter so that she can truly enjoy the transformation into a mother from the inside out.

  • Contact me to work out a care package for your loved one.