Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Postpartum Doula?

A postpartum doula tends to the informational, emotional, and physical needs of the newly postpartum parent and family. The few weeks after childbirth are incredible and intense! Having the support of a caregiver who can help with breastfeeding, baby care and ease the discomforts of postpartum recovery is invaluable. A postpartum doula does everything possible to ensure that you have the space to bond with your baby. I can assist with light housework, childcare, meal preparation, feeding and settling, and will help to make sure you are well rested and nourished.

I’ve trained and graduated from the Newborn Mothers Collective to add to my skill set and knowledge base for you.

I don’t offer medical services, treatment or diagnosis in any way but I can direct you to a range of experts in the various fields of sleep, breastfeeding and health if necessary.

When do we start working together?

We will usually have a chat over the phone a few times or meet for a coffee to make sure I’m your kind of person. We’ll have a planning session before the birth of your baby. After the baby is born I can start coming to your home within days of the birth. TI’m flexible with schedules and together we will decide how you would like to have my time spent with you. Eg. a few hours every few days in the early weeks or perhaps 1 visit a week for the first few months.

Do you only work with newborns and parents in the fourth trimester?

It's most common to engage a Postpartum Doula during the first 12 weeks, you can hire a doula for their services at any stage after the birth of your little one. Generally, my focus is on the parent in the first 12 months.

Do you have payment plan options for your packages?

Payment plans are available. Email or call me to book in with me rather than buying the package on my website.

Payment can be split into installments or paid in full. If you choose to take a payment plan we will set dates for the payments to be made by based on your due date and when you wish to engage my services. This plan will be emailed to you. A deposit of 40% is due within seven days of submitting your registration form to confirm your booking with me. The bill must be finalised and fully paid before I am able to attend our first session.

At any time during your payment plan you can choose to pay the balance remaining in full.

What if I cancel the booking with you

Cancellations made more than eight weeks before your due date will receive a full refund. If we have had any prenatal visits the costs of these will be deducted.

Cancellation made between eight and six weeks before your due date will receive a 50% refund, less the costs of any prenatal visits made. 

Cancellation between six weeks and four weeks before your due date will receive a 25% refund, less the costs of any prenatal visits made. 

Cancellation less than four weeks before your due date will not receive a refund.

The cost of 1 prenatal appointment is $250.00. The cost of your prenatal visit and personalised postpartum plan is $350.00.

Cancellations made under exceptional conditions will be handled on a case by case basis.